It's Over!!!
I finally finished my Paralegal course !!
(well, I still have to do the course evaluation but for all intents and purposes, it is over)
It feels SO good to be done.
This second half of the course was very intense and at times I didn't know how I was going to get the work done. But I always pulled through and figured it out.
I am very glad that I took the course and even more glad that it is over!
During a few of my struggling moments while taking the course I started thinking that the reason I wasn't having more success finding a job was because the Lord wanted me to succeed in the course and knew I would have an even tougher time if I was working. Sort of a blessing in disguise I guess. After the past week I am definitely thinking that that is the truth.
It seems that I am getting a lot of "bites" right now. On Monday I had an interview with a "headhunter" for a position on Capital Hill (not really an ideal location commuting wise, but beggars can't be choosers), on Thursday I got a call about another position and have an interview for that this Wednesday, and on Friday I got an email about another position and I had an interview for that yesterday. I really feel good about the interview that I had yesterday and should know in the next few days if I have a job or not.
Things are really starting to look good, and I am so grateful and happy. The Lord is truly blessing me, and us. I see His hand in our lives right now and can't wait for what He has in store for us.